Monday, April 6, 2009

Social media overload

I found this iPod application at Uncrate that I will not be purchasing for the low low price of $2. Ego apparently keeps track of your stats for websites and socmed outlets. ("socmed"--If that isn't a word yet, remember that you heard it here first. If it is already...oh well.) When they make a free version, I'll be down with that. While I have a lot of socmed sites that I need to keep track of, I don't need the stats so much as I need regular updates.

While I use a Mac, we run a program called Boot Camp that allows me to use Windows. I use the Mac side for photography stuff and the Windows side for everything else. Anyway, I found this awesome IM client, Digsby, that keeps track of all of my email accounts, buddy lists and social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. I get little pop ups whenever I have a new update or message. Fabulous! They currently don't have a version for Mac, but are working on it.

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