Thursday, April 9, 2009

Expose Yourself: Day 2

Yesterday, I was at Bed, Bath & Beyond with my mom and we were looking for a bed pocket for Anna's bed. They didn't have one, but they did have lots of new wall art, which I have a real weakness for. I can't tell you how much wall art we have sitting in our garage that is not being used.
Anyway, I saw this...

...which inspired me to try something similiar. So, when today's clue was "something borrowed", I decided to "borrow" BB&B's idea and make my name out of objects around the house. Voila!

Once I decided what I was going to do, this exercise was so much fun! At first it was hard to find things that look like letters, but by the end I was seeing letters, letters everywhere!


  1. Wow that is very cool Great photography!

  2. Brilliant--I probably would have taken a picture of the book I borrowed from the library or some such boring object that needed to be returned. I don't know if I would have thought of a borrowed idea. This was so creative and could actually be printed out and hung on your wall (but it sounds like you don't have much wall space left ;)

  3. That is an awesome idea! I may try that with the kids' names. hmmm...I don't even know where to start!

  4. Thanks! Yeah, wasn't sure what I was actually going to photograph when I got that clue, but this worked out. :)

  5. I love the way that turned out! Amazing what you don't see until you use another perspective!

  6. my entry...
